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Reverse Time Capsule

Reverse Time Capsule was my final project as part of my university degree in graphic design. The project was to test my design capability and try to look ahead to envisage what design could look like in the future. This included designing future products, visual language and advertising.

Not a live brief.


Product Branding

I covered a few different design applications within this project, such as product design.

Adipem Uri is a weight loss pill. It allows people to eat whatever and as much as they want, without putting on any weight.

Lock Shifter hairspray lets users have any hair colour they want, instantly. Everyday you could have a new hair colour, without damaging your hair or scalp. 


Collateral and Merch

POD Leaflet. The london underground of the future. Other than driving, people would use this monorail based transport system. I designed the leaflet pedestrians would pick up at the stations.

McDonalds Mac. I imagine a future where robots are used in various industries as staff, this poster markets McDonalds new robot staff.

Volitant. Hoverbikes?... Awesome. The future new toy for transport is the hoverbike.

Merch. Covenant. The future of cyber security. A full artificially intellegent system could replace the human error in security. Propulse. Sports and performance could be significantly enhanced, with exo skeletons implemented.

ETR Advert

Eye Technology Research is a contact lens technology company who provide an array of lenses with different applications. The advert was inspired by science fiction and futuristic design.


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